Munich in spring fever: Homo sapiens monacensis gets his sunglasses – Munich

A faux pas like this can happen on the first day of spring. The mother, who seems to have stepped straight out of a fashion shop window on Maximilianstrasse, is standing at the Viktualienmarkt on Saturday morning shortly after half past ten and putting her sunglasses on her daughter. The child is only of primary school age, but sunglasses have actually been mandatory in Munich for a long time, and not just for medical reasons. At the very latest when the first warm weekend day is announced more than 24 hours in advance. And you have to ask yourself: How could it happen that the two of them only have a single pair of glasses with them? The daughter looks correspondingly unhappy; her glasses slip off her forehead and then off her nose. Enough is enough, the duo grabs the already filled shopping bags and strolls away. Probably a sunglasses store. This scene is of course an exception. Otherwise, the start of spring is so routine and natural, as if Munich were not southern Germany, but really the long-awaited northern Italy.

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