Munich: homicide squad is looking for knife stabbers – Munich


Martin Bernstein

The 24-year-old man, who is said to have stabbed an acquaintance with a household knife in the Harthof district on Tuesday night, is still on the run. The Munich police’s homicide squad is looking for the Damascus-born Syrian. The young man is slim, 1.71 meters tall and speaks broken German and Arabic. According to the police, the victim is still being treated in intensive care on Wednesday afternoon and has not yet been approachable.

Apparently, the 22-year-old, a compatriot of the wanted suspect, was still able to give clues when he was found seriously injured on Tuesday morning shortly after midnight on the sixth floor of a stairwell in an apartment building in the south-west of Munich. That’s what he called the name of the man who had previously been to visit him. The photo from a surveillance camera shows how the alleged perpetrator, wearing a dark hooded sweater with a rectangular print on the chest, leaves the house barefoot.

The murder weapon – according to the police, a kind of kitchen knife from the household – the investigators found at the scene. They hope that the victim of the knife stab will soon be able to provide more information about the background to the crime. It is unclear how the two men met and what triggered the attack. Residents had found the heavily bleeding 22-year-old in the stairwell and alerted the police and emergency services. The knife had cut his neck.

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