Munich: heat in the city: what to do? – Munich

More than 30 degrees in the shade and the ice melts before you even hand the coins to the kiosk operator: summer has long since arrived in Munich. But in the past few days, for some, he’s been leaning a little too far out the window. What’s the idea of ​​being so hot all the time? Where’s the cool down?

You’ll have to organize that yourself. For example on the (still) cool Isar or at a fountain in the city center. If necessary, the shower at home will do the trick – the main thing is water that you can dip your hands, feet and arms into. Incidentally, you should drink a lot of water these days, according to the German Medical Association, and older and sick people in particular should make sure they drink enough. Otherwise, it is important to protect your head from the sun, it is better to go out in the morning and evening hours, apply sunscreen and preferably stay in the shade.

In this wonderful city, it’s enough to simply walk from the banks of the Isar into the meadows – and you’re already under the huge treetops in the cool, saving shade. Birdsong included.

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