Munich: Hartz IV recipients do not receive an electricity subsidy – Munich

Gas stove in a Munich kitchen

There will be no municipal electricity cost surcharge for Hartz IV households in Munich. (icon picture)

Households that receive Hartz IV benefits or basic security in old age or with reduced earning capacity do not receive a municipal electricity cost subsidy. When the city council decided on it in January, it was intended for all Munich residents who live below the risk of poverty line and who submit a corresponding application from July onwards. At that time, according to the social department, it was still unclear whether and in what form the federal government would give an energy cost subsidy.

In the meantime, however, the federal government has introduced a one-time payment of 200 euros for recipients of basic security in order to cushion the particular hardship caused by the pandemic and rising living costs. That is why the municipal electricity cost subsidy is only available for those people with low incomes who are not legally entitled to the one-time payment from the federal government because they receive neither Hartz IV nor basic security benefits.

The municipal electricity subsidy is up to 50 euros for one- and two-person households and up to 100 euros for households with three or more people. Applications for this can be made in the social community center.

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