Munich: German gymnastics festival is coming to the Isar – Munich in 2029

The German Gymnastics Festival 2029 will take place in Munich. This was decided by the delegates at the German Gymnastics Day in Hanau. “I am very pleased that the German Gymnastics Federation in Munich has given the contract. The German Gymnastics Festival is the world’s largest sporting event that combines top-class and popular sports,” said Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD): “From children’s gymnastics to the program for older people “All generations meet at the gymnastics festival.” An estimated 100,000 participants and 350,000 guests are expected. 6,000 volunteers are to be involved in the organization.

Florian Kraus, sports officer for the state capital, presented the application in Hanau, and Reiter addressed a video greeting to the approximately 400 delegates. Munich’s application concept includes, among other things, the use of the sports facilities in the Munich Olympic Park.

“Our sustainable overall concept for the event with competitions in the Olympic Park, among other places, has convinced the German Gymnastics Federation. Munich is once again showing that it lives up to its reputation as a sports city. Gymnastics is an extremely popular sport in Munich – and we will create a great atmosphere with the gymnastics festival the entire city,” said sports speaker Florian Kraus.

The International German Gymnastics Festival is organized every four years by the German Gymnastics Federation and takes place in different cities and regions in Germany. Munich has already hosted the event in 1889, 1923 and 1958. In 1998 the event also took place in Munich, with a record-breaking 100,000 participants taking part.

The next gymnastics festival with an expected 80,000 participants will take place in Leipzig in 2025.

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