Munich: Gastrointestinal infections after the Spring Festival – Munich

While attending the spring festival on Theresienwiese, several visitors apparently contracted gastrointestinal illnesses. The small version of Oktoberfest took place from April 19th to May 5th. The Munich health department announced on Friday that there were now 37 suspected cases. At first he had Mirror reported about it. Noroviruses have now been proven to be the cause in some of the sick.

There was a similar case in Stuttgart in April. There, more than 800 people contracted gastrointestinal illnesses in connection with the Spring Festival. All those affected had visited the same festival tent and then complained of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Noroviruses are also seen as a trigger in Stuttgart.

These viruses spread very quickly in crowds. A spokeswoman for the health department in Munich explained that transmission usually takes place via smear infection. “This means that a person is infected, touches a door handle, for example, and thus passes on the pathogens.” Frequent hand washing can protect against such infections.

In Munich, the health authority now wants to work with food monitoring to determine the origin of the viruses. In general, it was only a “smaller outbreak,” said the spokeswoman.

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