Munich: Forgotten Advent wreath sets apartment on fire – Munich

A forgotten Advent wreath caused a fire in the apartment on Plinganserstraße, which, according to the fire brigade, resulted in damage of around 100,000 euros. A resident of the apartment building heard a fire alarm on Saturday night and smelled smoke in the stairwell, as the fire department announced. He then alerted the fire brigade, who vacated the building and went into the apartment on fire with breathing protection.

Since no one had opened the door, the emergency services had gained access with breaking tools. In the apartment they could have found the burning Advent wreath and put it out. The family living in the apartment was reportedly not at home and had accidentally left the candles on the wreath burning.

The apartment is uninhabitable due to the heavy soot. All other residents could have returned to their apartments. The fire brigade put the property damage at around 100,000 euros.

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