Munich: design student designs contraceptives for men – Munich

Rebecca Weiß is studying industrial design and has designed a device that irradiates testicles with ultrasound – making sperm inactive. Everything is still a hypothesis, but interest in the product is already huge.


Ekaterina Kel

Testicles clean, ultrasound on. With this slogan, Rebecca Weiß advertises her unusual idea. The message: With very simple steps, men can also take an active role in contraception. All he needs is a special bowl in which he hangs his scrotum for a quarter of an hour. There he is treated with ultrasound – and his sperm become inactive for a few weeks. This method is called “gentle, reversible and hormone-free” White ‘homepage touted. Some people could raise their hands and ask: Where can I get this bowl? But not so quickly.

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