Munich: criticism of the closure of the Maria-Einsiedel-Bad – Munich

Due to a germ contamination, the Munich public utility company closed the Maria-Einsiedel-Bad in Thalkirchen – a step that is still making waves three weeks later. The fact that the popular leisure facility should not be accessible in the long term has now also prompted the Thalkirchen-Obersendling-Forstenried-Fürstenried-Solln district committee to raise critical questions. He would like to be informed about “what are the exact causes of the germ load in the bio-pool and how high it actually was”. The local politicians are also wondering whether “possibly rising energy costs or personnel problems” are also involved.

A spokesman for Stadtwerke calls this “conjecture”, which is “simply wrong”. The health department can confirm that the germ contamination was the trigger for the closure of the natural pool. The measurements improved again, but were still above the limit values. The public utilities wanted to reopen the pool as soon as possible. However, a prognosis is not possible.

The opening of the season on the central country road had already been postponed due to staff shortages. The local politicians reminded the Stadtwerke of the “popularity of the pool far beyond the borders of the city district” and of the large number of its regular guests. Especially in times “when fewer and fewer children are learning to swim”, the visit must be “absolutely possible”. The district council now wants to invite those responsible for the municipal utilities to the next meeting.

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