Munich: Criticism of plans for Candid goal in Giesing – Munich

How much he has invested in the site of the medical center on Candidplatz was not revealed by Michael Ehrlich, the main builder of the planned “Candid Gate” with his office Ehrlich + Klein, despite pressing inquiries from the public. In any case, at the end of the citizens’ workshop on the project, it was clear that Ehrlich and his partners from Hamburger Values ​​Real Estate had bought into a critical neighborhood – for whatever amount.

Around 110 residents came at the invitation of the district committee and the investor. Many of them expressed their dissatisfaction with the event format of presentation, discussion at “thematic tables” and final evaluation, which is now common for such projects. Instead, the predominantly young members of a recently founded citizens’ initiative called for an open dialogue between the panel and the audience.

BA boss Sebastian Weisenburger (Greens) finally promised at least one more round of residents in the style of a themed citizens’ meeting. At the same time, he apologized for the late and apparently incomplete dispatch of the invitations by an external service provider. As with stadium expansion events, participants stated that they only found out about the event by chance because they had not received any direct mail.

Ehrlicht and the event moderator Claudia Neeser tried to convince the residents of Untergiesingen of the added value of their project: public underground parking spaces, the upgrading of the adjacent dark and dingy square under the Candidbrücke, a cooperation with the youth club Akku, a daycare center and other social facilities in the building, a freely accessible roof terrace, a theatron for cultural events – the project could bring all this with it, the beautification of the quiet inner courtyard of the medical center anyway.

“What does that have to do with building construction?” one participant wanted to know. In response to repeated inquiries, Ehrlicht stated the height of the building as 60 meters, which some critical participants seemed too low given the 17 floors and earlier information that 64 meters were planned. Although about two-thirds of the high-rise silhouette would be swallowed up by the eastern slope of the Isar, residents from the area around the stadium fear that their free view to the west over the city could be obstructed.

The spectacular design as a gate made of stacked blocks had already received a mixed reception from the urban design commission. Residents in Giesing also doubted whether it would fit into their down-to-earth neighborhood. More than just a question of taste remains how far the shadow extends that the building casts over the neighboring houses to the north in winter and how much sound from the Mittlerer Ring it reflects there.

The Untergiesinger citizens’ initiative is not only bothered by the shadows cast, but also by the threat of light pollution at night through illuminated office windows. Your deputy Benjamin Ruß cites further points of criticism that did not find a place in the workshop discussion: Residents are concerned, for example, that the Hamburg project partner Values ​​Real Estate is specifically buying up and developing medical centers. Existing tenants should not pay more in the new building, but new practices could be burdened with even higher rents. Above all, the basic medical care provided by the medical center is at risk. Overall, the quarter is threatened by a gentrification push through the gate.

In the meantime, Ehrlich does not fear that it could change its surroundings too much in terms of building mass, as residents criticize, “we are too isolated for that”. In addition, a development plan is being drawn up for the area, with a density that only applies here. BA boss Weisenburger had reminded that the urban planning commission had de facto “abstained from voting” and put the matter in the hands of the district committee, which rarely happens. The planning procedure offers the citizens the opportunity to have a real say via the BA, emphasized Weisenburger.

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