Munich: “Corso Leopold” “Zamanand” festival at the weekend – Munich

Music, sports, art and the big issues of the time: two festivals invite the people of Munich to celebrate at the weekend.

The “Corso Leopold” took a break for two years – now, in the second year after the resurrection, old times are to be taken up. From the Siegestor to the Münchner Freiheit there is music, comedy, literature, art, food and drink, on Saturday from 4 p.m. and on Sunday from 11 a.m. In addition, the major issues of the time are discussed in panel discussions and other activities, such as climate change, mobility and migration. Among others, Roland Hefter, the Bavarian band “Headeck”, Michi Dietmayr and the “Swing Field Unit” will be there. The full program is available at

The “Zamanand” festival also takes place on Saturday and Sunday, temporally and spatially connected to the “Corso Leopold”. It extends from the Odeonsplatz to the Siegestor and offers performances, art events, sports events and a climate change garden in the Ministry of Food. The Siegestor and the University subway entrances are colorfully illuminated. The music comes from the bands “Rattlesnake Torpedos” and “Troubleshooters”. Full program at Admission to both festivals is free.

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