Munich: Climate adhesives fail due to the weather – Munich

According to the police, climate activists who tried to cling to the streets of Munich failed on Wednesday because of the cold, wet weather. According to the police, people tried to stick themselves to a roadway in the immediate vicinity of the State Chancellery. “But the gluing didn’t work due to the weather,” said a police spokesman for the German Press Agency.

The two protesters therefore only sat on the street with a banner. The police were on site with several officers, also to divert traffic. The group itself announced that the two activists had showered each other with paste to show the “absurdity” of the city of Munich’s tightening of rules on the protests, which has been in effect since Saturday. The general decree means, among other things, that calling for unannounced adhesive protests on the streets of Munich is punishable by law until the beginning of January.

Accordingly, the protest on Wednesday also violated this rule, even if it was only an attempt, said a police spokesman in the morning. In this case, however, the city of Munich decides what the consequences are. The police will also take “follow-up measures”. Nine activists from the protest group “Last Generation” are currently in preventive detention in Bavaria, and some of them will probably not be released until the beginning of January.

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