Munich: City Museum is looking for memories of the 1972 Olympics – Munich

Memories of the 1972 Olympics


“I cried then”

Reading time: 4 mins

Günter Zahn, final runner of the torch relay, greets the athletes marching in the stadium in Munich in 1972 after he has lit the Olympic flame. The “narration café” is also intended to remind us of this moment.

(Photo: Olympic Games/dpa)

The assassination, the lighting of the fire, a flag: What is still present in the people of Munich today, 50 years after the Olympic Games? How the City Museum searches for memories and memorabilia of the 1972 Olympic Games.


Jakob Wetzel, Munich

“The Olympic Games shaped my life,” says Wilfried Ebser. “You’ll never forget something like that.” It has been 50 years since the 81-year-old was assigned as a soldier to the games in Munich. In the language of the Bundeswehr, that was called “UdOZ” at the time, “support of the Olympic ceremony,” says Ebser.

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