Munich Central Station: man throws sidewalk slab in snack bar – Munich

A 25-year-old threw a pavement slab in the direction of a 28-year-old cashier in a snack shop in the main train station early Tuesday evening. The woman had previously refused a donut gift from the man. Employees of a snack chain reported a man from the mezzanine floor of Munich’s main train station around 6 p.m. who aggressively mobbed an employee. At first he wanted to give a donut to a saleswoman. He did not comply with requests from staff to leave the store.

Security guards from Deutsche Bahn and a patrol from the federal police managed to get him out of business and then expelled him from the main station. A little later, the 25-year-old returned with a paving slab (40 x 40 cm) in his hands. He threw the heavy stone slab in the direction of the counter and the cashier and then fled. When thrown in the direction of the 28-year-old, she was not hit; neither does the glass counter in front of it. The cashier got away with a fright.

Other employees and travelers in the vicinity were not hit or injured by the throw and the stone parts that splintered on the ground. With the help of video recordings and prior personal identification, federal police officers were able to identify the person who was not resident in Germany. The man now faces criminal charges of attempted dangerous bodily harm.

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