Munich cancels subsidy for peace conference – Munich

The town hall coalition made up of the Greens/Pink List and SPD/Volt is canceling the subsidy for the opponents of the security conference in Munich. They organize a protest event for every edition of the international meeting on geopolitical issues and have so far received funding of almost 7,000 euros. The cultural department paid out the money. In a joint motion, the coalition calls for the subsidy for the “International Munich Peace Conference” to be ended immediately and permanently.

The justification for the application refers to the lack of cultural-political significance of the event and the lack of a community connection. But the motion can also be interpreted as a sign that city politics is distancing itself from the counter-demonstrators. The funding could also have been ended with an administrative act. When asked, city councilors Mona Fuchs (Greens) and Julia Schönfeld-Knor explained the decision when asked that there had been “irritations” about the appearance and organization of the peace conference for a long time.

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