Munich: breakdown plan for pedalers – Munich

Although the Munich Radlstadtplan has been published for many years, it is full of errors, criticize residents.

Cycling should get going, and the city wants to help with this with its Munich cycling city map. However, it is questionable whether the road and path map is a reliable guide. Doubts have recently arisen about this in Sendling-Westpark. Because although the plan for pedalers has been published in large numbers for many years, it still contains misinformation. In the southwestern district alone, local politicians and citizens have identified eleven places where the information is incorrect.

One example is the historic “Baroque Garden” in Westpark: Contrary to what is shown on the Radlstadt map, the way there is not open to cyclists. The path to the water playground is by no means a shared footpath and cycle path. The Rubihornweg, on the other hand, can also be used by cyclists and not just by pedestrians.

The Sendling-Westpark district committee wants to submit correction proposals to the city administration. Although it is by no means easy to find responsible addressees, chairman Günter Keller (SPD) recently complained. Obviously, the first thought was of the mobility department, but in the meantime the department for climate and environmental protection is dealing with the cycle paths.

Either way, there is hope in the district that the proposed corrections will be heard. The route map has also contained errors in the past, reports Keller, and corrections were not always made immediately. “Sooner or later” it usually works.

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