Munich: benefit concert with Rattle in video – Munich

The benefit concert of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra (BRSO) in favor of the Advent calendar for good works of the Süddeutsche Zeitung has a proud tradition. But this year’s one will be remembered as particularly memorable. For a couple of reasons.

A world-renowned orchestra that performs Gustav Mahler’s ninth symphony under its new chief conductor – the world-famous Sir Simon Rattle -: It’s an attraction. The location of the performance – the Isarphilharmonie, which only opened in October and is lined with dark wood, on the grounds of the Gasteig-Interim in Sendling: This is a new place of curiosity in Munich’s cultural landscape.

This is how you can donate

Anyone who wants to help is asked for a gift of money. Unfortunately, donations in kind cannot be accepted. Cash payments are possible from Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the SZ service center, Fürstenfelder Straße 7. Readers can donate securely online at Transfers can be made to the following account:

“Advent calendar for good works by the Süddeutsche Zeitung eV”

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Donations are tax deductible; The simplified proof is sufficient up to an amount of 300 euros. For donations of more than 300 euros, we will send you the donation confirmation, provided that the sender is fully specified on the transfer. Every donation goes to a good cause without any deductions. Süddeutsche Verlag bears all material and administrative costs that arise.

The circumstances of the evening – because of the Corona requirements, only 450 of the 1,800 places were allowed to be occupied at short notice, and that only with rigid mask requirements and generously calculated safety distances: That was a logistical feat of strength that welcomed the lucky ones who were admitted on Friday evening brought a truly unusual experience.

“We live in strange times,” said Hendrik Munsberg, deputy Advent calendar director, in his welcoming speech and assessed the evening as “a wonderful symbol for art and music – and for helping people in need”.

To bring together and to merge: Simon Rattle will also take on this mission in Munich, where he will be chief conductor from the 2023/24 concert season. Munsberg quoted his former teacher at the Royal Academy of Music, John Streets, as saying: “There’s a boy with eyes like stars rushing around the Academy.”

The power this glow releases – that was to be experienced at the concert that followed. Even if the BRSO dedicated the concert to the memory of the conductor Bernard Haitink, who died in October and with whom it had a history spanning six decades, it was anything but a backward-looking evening. But someone who showed how much Rattle, 66, has plans with the orchestra. And in this city.

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