Munich: Benefit concert with Rattle in the livestream – Munich

Corona has shrunk the dream of a sociable evening in the new Munich Isarphilharmonie: Only 450 tickets were allowed to be sold. But you can also experience Sir Simon Rattle, the musicians and Mahler’s Ninth Symphony – via livestream.

The benefit concert for the SZ Advent Calendar, which will be given by the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (BRSO) under its future chief conductor Sir Simon Rattle this Friday in the Isarphilharmonie, will take place – but in front of a significantly reduced audience of 450 instead of the 1800 possible people. This corresponds to the corona regulations in Bavaria, which have been tightened this Wednesday, according to which cultural events may only be booked to a maximum of 25 percent.

Can you also follow the concert in the live stream?

Yes the Southgerman newspaper takes over on Friday from 8:05 p.m. on their homepage at (so simply right here in this article) the live stream of BR Klassik, which is also available at or is available on the homepage of the symphony orchestra.

This is how you can donate

Anyone who wants to help is asked for a gift of money. Unfortunately, donations in kind cannot be accepted. Cash payments are possible from Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the SZ service center, Fürstenfelder Straße 7. Readers can donate securely online at Transfers can be made to the following account:

“Advent calendar for good works by the Süddeutsche Zeitung eV”

Stadtsparkasse Munich

IBAN: DE86 7015 0000 0000 6007 00


Donations are tax deductible; The simplified proof is sufficient up to an amount of 300 euros. For donations of more than 300 euros, we will send you the donation confirmation, provided that the sender is fully specified on the transfer. Every donation goes to a good cause without any deductions. Süddeutsche Verlag bears all material and administrative costs that arise.

What happens to the 1800 tickets that have already been purchased?

The 1800 concert tickets that have already been sold will be canceled and the owners will be informed by email. There is a full refund for the ticket prices paid. In this way, every ticket holder has the opportunity to decide, in view of the current Corona situation, whether they want to experience the concert in the Isarphilharmonie.

What should I watch out for when attending a concert on Friday?

The so-called “2G-plus” regulation has been in effect for cultural events since Wednesday. So only people with a valid proof of vaccination or convalescence have access. A negative rapid antigen test (not older than 24 hours) or a PCR test (48 hours) is also required. In the Isarphilharmonie, FFP2 masks are also required on the square. Because of the necessary admission controls, concert-goers are recommended to arrive early, but at least 30 minutes before the start of the concert – at 7.30 p.m. at the latest.

On the history of the benefit concerts

The first chairman of the advent calendar, Karl Ulrich, said: “We would like to thank Sir Simon Rattle and the BR Symphony Orchestra that this wonderful tradition of benefit concerts lives on even in difficult times.” These thanks also go to the BRSO management and those responsible for Bayerischer Rundfunk. “For many people, the benefit concert is a sign of hope.

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