Munich: Bavarian TV Prize awarded – Munich

The Bavarian TV Prize will be awarded in a total of 13 categories this year. The honorary award of the Bavarian Prime Minister goes to actress Michaela May. Carolin Kebekus and Shary Reeves are honored for their “Focus on Racism” as part of the Carolin Kebekus Show. Felix Kramer is recognized as the cameraman of the “Oktoberfest 1900” series. For the BR-WDR crime scene “In der Familie I und II” and the two-part TV series “Der Überläufer” (ARD / NDR), screenwriter Bernd Lange receives a Blue Panther. Karoline Schuch (“The Secret of the Dead Forest”) and Rainer Bock (“Der Überläufer” and “Das Boot”) are recognized as best actors. The gala from the Prinzregententheater, moderated by “quer” presenter Christoph Süß, is available in the BR media library.

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