Munich band Schandmaul postpones anniversary festival to 2024 – Munich

The Munich medieval folk rock band shameface has postponed the anniversary festival in Gelsenkirchen, which was planned for the beginning of July, to next year due to the serious illness of its singer. As the band announced on Facebook, Thomas Lindner was recently diagnosed with a carcinoma in the throat. Rapid operations were inevitable and could not be postponed, according to the post shared by the band members: “Fortunately everything was discovered very early and now has to heal in peace.”

The folkfield festival that Schandmaul organized for their 25th anniversary will now take place on September 13th and 14th, 2024 with the same line-up. Then, in addition to the hosts, the bands will be performing in the Gelsenkirchen amphitheater verse gold, Subway to Sally, Last instance and Fiddler’s Green to be heard.

The medieval folk rock band was founded in 1998 in Gröbenzell near Munich. In 2016, the band reached number one in the German album charts with “LichtFeuer”. The current album “Knüppel aus dem Sack” was also in the top ten.

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