Munich: Balidemaj moves into the city council for the Greens – Munich

In the future, 55-year-old Delija Balidemaj will be a member of the city council for the Greens. The graduate engineer will succeed Bernd Schreyer, who resigned his office on Monday because of a relativization of the Holocaust. Schreyer had compared the current criticism of the Greens policy with the persecution of the Jews. He had apologized for this and announced his retirement as a consequence.

Balidamej moved to Munich from Montenegro 25 years ago. He has been politically active for about ten years. In 2018 he was a member of the district parliament for the Greens, and in 2020 he was a member of the Feldmoching-Hasenbergl district committee. One of his political priorities is the topic of integration, which he also wants to work on as a city councillor.

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