Munich: Attack on the Israeli Consulate General – Munich

The Israeli consulate general in Munich was attacked on Wednesday. Details are still unclear. According to the police, “a plastic bottle that appeared to resemble an incendiary bottle” was thrown over the protective fence onto the consular mission premises. It is said to be a bottle that had a ball in it. Security circles classify this as a clear threat.

A spokeswoman for the Consulate General did not want to comment on details for security reasons. The bottle, which the police ultimately classified as harmless in itself, was probably thrown into the courtyard of the Consulate General during the night and discovered by security in the morning. Since then, the Munich Criminal Police Office has been investigating. Namely Commissariat 45, responsible for crimes behind which a “foreign ideology” is suspected. Possible witnesses to the incident are being sought.

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The Israeli consul general responsible for southern Germany, Talya Lador, spoke in a message on The diplomat wrote: “It is an attack on the symbol of the State of Israel in southern Germany.”

In the past few months there has been repeated anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric. “This physical attack now goes a step further.” Since the terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7th, the number of attacks on Jewish and Israeli people and institutions in Munich has risen sharply. The Munich police have increased their security precautions. Just a few days ago, two men were arrested for behaving suspiciously and filming themselves in front of the Ohel Jakob synagogue in Munich.

The only Israeli consulate general in Germany was established in 2011. Since 2015 it has been housed in a building that symbolically stands on the site of the former Nazi headquarters in Munich. The Munich Nazi Documentation Center is in the immediate vicinity. When asked whether she felt safe in the building, Talya Lador said in an interview a few days ago South German Newspaper said: “Yes, there are enough security measures here. This is now my second home.”

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