Munich Airport: Stopover because of a recalcitrant tourist – Munich

A passenger plane coming from Manchester had to stop at Munich Airport on its way to Rhodes. The reason was a 69-year-old passenger who initially attracted attention by mobbing the flight crew and who shortly afterwards tried unsuccessfully to open the two front cabin doors of the aircraft. She vehemently resisted the attempt to bring the lady back to her seat and hit the faces and upper bodies of two crew members. She was then overwhelmed with the help of other passengers and fixed in a seat.

Due to the continued aggressiveness and the incalculable risk for everyone on board, the pilot decided to make an unplanned stopover at Munich Airport. There, a patrol crew from the state police took the recalcitrant 69-year-old out of the plane. Since she was clearly under the influence of intoxicants, she was first taken to a hospital for medical treatment, where she was found to be massively intoxicated.

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