Munich Airport: 4.2 billion euros for renovations and new buildings – Munich

Major renovations and construction projects are pending at Munich Airport. Up to 2030, 4.2 billion euros are earmarked for maintenance, new buildings and conversions. The airport confirmed this at the request of the SZ. The airport in Erdinger Moos was opened in 1992. According to the airport, multi-storey car parks and other buildings such as Terminal 1, the “Munich Airport Center” and the central building must now be renovated. After an operating period of around 30 years, these are normal and customary measures. A spokesman for the airport left unanswered the question as to why the Airport Center, which only opened in 1999, with the covered open space between Terminals 1 and 2, had to be renovated.

It is currently a “rough investment plan with all conceivable projects”. Possible new buildings such as a mobility center for car sharing and rental cars are also included. A detailed list of the planning cannot be given because it is confidential internal information, the spokesman said.

With the inclusion of certain projects in the long-term planning, “no decision whatsoever” on the realization of individual projects and the release of the necessary financial resources is connected. It can be assumed that individual plans will change over the coming years, so that some projects will be implemented, others will be postponed and others will be shelved, the spokesman said.

The airport has already undergone the first major renovation: In the past two years, parts of the two runways have been repaired. The airport used the lull during the corona pandemic for the work. This also made it possible to work during the day, because one runway was sufficient for the sparse air traffic at the time. Otherwise everything would have had to happen at night. The spokesman did not answer the question about the costs of the railway renovation.

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