Mummy under CT: Archaeologists reconstruct mysterious woman’s face

Watch the video: Mummy with fetus – researchers reconstruct the mysterious woman’s face.

She might have looked like the women in these pictures. The young woman,
whose history and life the Polish researchers, led by Wojciech Ejsmond, want to break down.

It all started with a CT scan, during which archaeologists took a closer look at the mummy in the coffin of a high priest from Thebes. They realized that the supposed man was apparently a woman – and that she could be pregnant. Inside the abdomen, they found tissue-like structures reminiscent of an embryo.

However, a second team of researchers could not confirm this evidence of a fetus. They now assume that the mummification inside could be embalmed organs.

The woman is said to have been a person of high rank. The Egyptian lived in the first century BC and may have died of cancer.

With the help of CT scans and X-rays, forensic specialists have now created reconstructions of the face.

“Our bones, and especially the skull, reveal a lot of information about an individual’s face. While it is not possible to create an exact portrait, the skull, like other anatomical parts, is unique. It shows an assemblage of shapes and proportions that will partially appear in the final face.” Chantal Milani, Forensic Anthropologist

The researchers published the images of the facial reconstruction on the Facebook page of their project. They are part of an exhibition about the mummies project that can be seen in Katowice, Poland, until March 2023.

Source: LiveScience Archeology Wiki

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