Multiple fractures and two operations for the leader of Ineos after his fall in Colombia

The Ineos Grenadier cycling team gives news of Egan Bernal, victim of an accident during training on Monday in Colombia. He suffered numerous injuries, including several fractures, and was operated on twice, including once on the spine.

“Egan is in stable conditions in intensive care after two successful surgeries. He suffered from a fractured vertebra, a fractured right femur, a fractured patella, chest trauma, a punctured lung and several fractured ribs,” wrote the British team in a press release.

Its preserved neurological integrity

If the neurological integrity of the Colombian, placed in intensive care, is preserved, he will nevertheless remain under observation, in particular to monitor “his body’s response to trauma”, explains Ineos.

The winner of the 2019 Tour de France and the 2021 Giro crashed into a parked public transport bus during a training outing with teammates.

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