Multi-party campaign fundraising survey

Tunisian justice has opened an investigation against the Islamist-inspired party Ennahdha, its ally Qalb Tounes and the Aïch Tounsi formation, for a case of foreign financing of their electoral campaigns in 2019, the prosecution told AFP on Wednesday.

The financial judicial pole opened on July 14 this investigation into “foreign funding and the acceptance of donations whose source is unknown during the 2019 election campaign,” said prosecution spokesman Mohsen Dali.

Parliament suspended

The investigations concern Ennahdha, the main party in Parliament, Qalb Tounes, founded by businessman Nabil Karoui, and the small Aïch Tounsi formation of patron Olfa Terras Rambourg, elected to Parliament in 2019, said Mohsen Dali.

In early October 2019, the financial center took up complaints lodged against Nabil Karoui, Olfa Terras Rambourg and Ennahdha by the Court of Auditors and by an opposition party, the Democratic Current.

They are accused of having received funding from abroad or from unknown sources, which is prohibited by Tunisian law, for their electoral campaigns during the legislative elections of 2019. This announcement comes three days after the suspension of Parliament for thirty days and the dismissal of Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi by President Kais Saied who has granted himself executive power.

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