mRNA technology – Biontech against colon cancer – Economy

mRNA technology:Biontech against colon cancer

Biontech is driving the development of cancer immunotherapies based on mRNA technology, on which the corona vaccine from the Mainz-based biotechnology company is based. As it announced on Friday, a phase 2 clinical trial with the drug BNT122 in colorectal cancer has started. After surgical removal of the tumor and chemotherapy, patients are vaccinated with the active ingredient instead of waiting. Biontech announced that around 200 patients in the United States, Germany, Spain and Belgium will take part in the study. In collaboration with Roche subsidiary Genentech, Biontech is also testing BNT122 for use in other types of cancer. The agent has also reached phase 2 for the treatment of black skin cancer.

© SZ from 02.10.2021 / etd

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