MP Benoit Simian faces justice for harassment charges against his ex-wife

It is a highly anticipated hearing to be held this Thursday before the Bordeaux court, around a case that has hit the headlines. The deputy for Gironde, Benoit Simian (ex-LREM and now under the label Libertés et Territoires) must appear on charges of “harassing a person who is or has been a spouse”, in this case his ex-wife, “followed by an incapacity for more than eight days” due to “deterioration of living conditions affecting health”.

The facts were allegedly committed from July 1, 2020 to November 19, 2020 in Ludon-Médoc (Gironde), where the couple lived, in the context of stormy divorce proceedings. The deputy of the 5th constituency of Gironde is accused by his ex-wife of having tried to intimidate him on various occasions, at his home, where Benoit Simian would have continued to go after the separation, despite a ban on going. present there.

Refusal to waive his parliamentary immunity

As of August 3, 2020, the ex-wife of the deputy had indeed been the subject of a protection order, prohibiting Benoit Simian from approaching her and entering the house. On September 10 of the same year, she was even given a “serious danger telephone”, intended to give the alert in the event of an emergency. The former mayor of Ludon-Médoc would have multiplied malicious acts. “He tagged the mailbox, stole the trash cans, broke cameras, testified his ex-wife at the microphone of RTL. He listened to us, he observed us. He was there all the time, from morning to night. »

At the same time, a procedure was opened for moral harassment by a spouse. But the National Assembly having refused, on December 9, 2020, the request of the prosecutor of Bordeaux to lift the immunity of the parliamentarian, this procedure risked getting bogged down. It was finally after an interview under the free hearing regime, in November 2021, that Benoit Simian was sent back to the criminal court, revealed at the time Médiapart.

Interviewed several times, the deputy would have argued the need for his comings and goings to his former home, because he had installed his parliamentary office in an outbuilding at the bottom of the garden. In any case, he always denied the facts of harassment, and even filed a complaint on his side against his wife, for violence.

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