Mourning the comedian Mirco Nontschew

Zto commemorate the comedian Mirco Nontschew changes RTL his program. For the night from Sunday to Monday, the private broadcaster announced a 40-minute special broadcast in its main program: “In Liebe an Mirco Nontschew”. It should be broadcast at midnight, according to Günther Jauch’s last review of the year “People, Images, Emotions”. Then several “Best of RTL Saturday Night” episodes should be repeated until early morning.

With comedy colleague Wigald Boning, Olli DittrichAccording to, he wrote Tanja Schumann and Stefan Jürgens “television history” in the nineties. In the RTL troupe, Nontschew stood out as a hyper-motorized quick-talker and versatile role-player and won the affection of the audience and colleagues, of which condolences on the Internet now testify. Most recently, Nontschew was a member of the “LOL – Last One Laughing” ensemble on Amazon.

The comedian had died last week at the age of 52. The “Bild” newspaper reported on Saturday with reference to Nontschew’s manager and confidante Bertram Riedel. “We acknowledge the death of our friend and family member. The family asks for consideration during these difficult times, ”said Riedel. The cause of death is still unclear, according to the police there are no indications of third-party negligence. A death investigation has been initiated, an autopsy is to clarify the cause of death.

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Nontschew was born on October 29, 1969 in East Berlin. He trained as a mechanic. At the end of the eighties he appeared as a beatboxer, breakdancer and rapper. Hugo Egon Balder brought him to RTL. After the success with “Saturday Night”, Nontschew had his own show “Mircomania” on Sat.1 in the early 2000s. In the cinema he played in the films “7 dwarfs – men alone in the forest” and “7 dwarfs – the forest is not enough”. He joined the troupe of the Sat.1 show “The Brazen Three”, on RTL II he had a cooking show “Cook cook – Mircos Kochstudio”. The comedian leaves two daughters.

The death caused great sadness among fans and colleagues. Otto Waalkes told the “Bild am Sonntag” that Nontschew was “a born comedian”. “Such natural talents are rare, and Mirco was the most talented of his generation, an unpredictable man who could always surprise.” His discoverer Hugo Egon Balder wrote on Twitter that Nontschew was the first one the producers had decided on for the hit show. “I’m stunned, infinitely sad and now just mute,” wrote Balder on Twitter.

Comedy star Thorsten Sträter, with whom Nontschew played in the first “LOL” season, wrote on Twitter: “Mirco Nontschew, the genius of absurd comedy, unique in the abundance of what he was and could do, is no longer there . This man was 100 comedians in one, a crazy lucky bag of humor, a star. ”Wigald Boning, who was also on“ LOL ”in season 1, also joined the expressions of sadness. “Real geniuses are rare. Mirco was one of them, and a particularly lovable one on top of that. I’m terribly sad, “wrote Boning on Twitter.

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