Motsi Mabuse: Ukraine conflict breaks her heart

Motsi Mabuse
Ukraine conflict breaks her heart

Motsi Mabuse is worried about her in-laws in Ukraine.

© imago/Future Image

Motsi Mabuse is very concerned about her husband’s parents who live in Ukraine. She shares her thoughts on Instagram.

Motsi Mabuse’s (40) family is directly affected by the Russian attack on Ukraine. As the juror writes in her Instagram stories, her husband’s parents, the Ukrainian professional dancer Evgenij Voznyuk (38), live in Ukraine.

“We are awake because bombs are falling in Ukraine,” writes Mabuse early in the morning. “Please stay safe, family and friends, friends from the dance scene.” After a black and white picture two older people on a walk – probably her parents-in-law – she reports that they are safe, “but have no way of getting out”. According to Mabuse, everything had been shut down.

“This breaks my heart”

On the colors of the Ukrainian flag she also posted in her feed: “This breaks my heart. Pray for the people of Ukraine and the world.” The post was also shared by “Let’s Dance” colleague Vadim Garbuzov (34), Canadian-Austrian professional dancer of Ukrainian origin, in his story.

Russian-born Evgeny Vinokurov (31), also a professional dancer in the current season of the dance show, posted in his stories the colors of the Ukrainian flag, which had already been projected onto the Brandenburg Gate on Wednesday evening, along with three praying hands.


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