Motsi Mabuse: She still has to worry about her relatives

Motsi Mabuse
She still has to worry about her relatives

Motsi Mabuse has been on the “Let’s Dance” jury since 2007.

© imago images/3S PHOTOGRAPHY

“Let’s Dance” jury member Motsi Mabuse is still very concerned about her in-laws, who are stuck in Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Motsi Mabuse (40) has been married to the Ukrainian professional dancer Evgenij Voznyuk (38) since 2017. Already on Thursday she reported a sleepless night when the first Russian bombs fell on Ukraine. Since then, her in-laws have been stuck in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. There, according to the “Let’s Dance” star, they are doomed to stay in air raid shelters like them on twitter and reported in an Instagram story. Mabuse’s sad conclusion: “There is nothing we can do.”

In her Instagram story, Mabuse appeals to the public for help, she writes in English, German and Ukrainian: “If anyone can help us transport people from Kharkiv, please contact me.”

In her story, Mabuse also gives free rein to her frustration with the situation. She writes: “The question of why she [ihre Schwiegereltern, Anm. d. Red.] did not escape earlier is not relevant. Innocent children and people suffer – for what??? They built their homes, their lives. Now it will be destroyed – for what??? Is this what peace looks like? Is that your Putin bringing peace?”

Motsi Mabuse: “I don’t wish that on anyone”

“We sleep every night,” Mabuse continues in English, “not knowing what the news of the new day will bring! But getting a call at 5 a.m. where you hear a mother crying, filled with fear for us Saying she loves us is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone.” The “Let’s Dance” juror calls on her followers to be kind to one another and also addresses the people of Russia: “I know that many Russians are against it. It can’t go on like this!”


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