Motsi Mabuse: She is already in the middle of the Christmas stress

Motsi Mabuse
She is already in the middle of the Christmas stress

Motsi Mabuse is looking forward to Christmas.

© imago images / Future Image

When it comes to Christmas gifts, Motsi Mabuse leaves nothing to chance. She has already bought the present for her husband.

Motsi Mabuse (40) starts her Christmas preparations well in advance. “I always have clear ideas about what I would like to give my loved ones for Christmas,” explains the “Lets Dance” judge and “fitvia” brand ambassador in an interview. However, the mother of a three-year-old daughter does not want to reveal the present for her husband Evgenij Voznyuk (37): “It is something very personal.”

Dear Motsi, are you already in the Christmas spirit?

Motsi Mabuse: Yes! And I’m already in the Christmas stress. I always have a clear idea of ​​what I would like to give my loved ones for Christmas. Nevertheless, I always think about it for a long time because I enjoy giving presents so much. I always do the shopping just before Christmas, but what about thinking? It starts in September.

What are your plans for this Christmas? How are you going to spend this Christmas?

Mabuse: The Corona time was simply extreme for all of us. This Christmas should be entirely under the motto rest, relaxation and family.

Are there certain traditions that are particularly important to you?

Mabuse: It is actually our tradition to always cook together and unwrap presents. The whole package.

What preparations do you make in the run-up to Christmas?

Mabuse: I prepare for it a long time in advance and buy everything in terms of decoration etc. very early on. I give myself more time for the presents. Some I buy earlier when I see something that might fit well, but then I buy most of the gifts shortly beforehand. And because the stress factor shouldn’t be missing either, I wait until the day before Christmas to pack up. There is a lot to do then, but it has become a ritual by now.

Do you already have any presents?

Mabuse: I’ve already bought the first gifts for my daughter and my husband. For the rest of the family I’m having a hard time this year, unfortunately I haven’t worried anything yet. As I said, I think a lot about gifts and of course I want to give the recipient a lot of joy. That’s why I especially love gift sets – also because they are already nicely packaged and thus save time (laughs). This year I’m a big fan of the fitvia sets, which contain a lot of love and really delicious teas. Perfect for the cold and cozy winter days. In addition, the sets can also be personalized, so you can give people something personal to show them how important they are to you.

Is it hard for you to give presents to your husband? Can you already reveal what he’s getting?

Mabuse: In fact, it’s getting more and more difficult to give presents to him. I just want to outdo myself every year. I’ve already found something for this year, yes, but that’s a secret and I can’t reveal that. It’s very personal.

When it comes to giving away, is there a no-go for you where you say I would never give it away?

Mabuse: No, I just give away everything when it fits. There are no limits for me. But of course it is important to choose something that the other person also likes. Something that you associate with the person or know that they have wanted it for a long time. The only thing I would never do is give away a present. This is an absolute no-go for me.

What makes the perfect gift for you? How can you please? What would be the perfect Christmas present for you?

Mabuse: I’m a real lover of nice bags (laughs) or a great vacation. You can’t go wrong with either in my opinion. I’m also a big fan of personalized gifts. It’s such an attentive gesture that just stays forever.

What shouldn’t be missing at Christmas? Is there anything for you that is symbolic of Christmas?

Mabuse: An artificial Christmas tree. This is especially important for the children, because they also have to be entertained. That just always happens with us, although the artificial trees are of course not that beautiful. But honestly, with the right fir trees, the needles always fall off and there is a lot to clean (laughs).

Christmas is also the time of temptation. Whether mulled wine, gingerbread, marzipan and more: is there a Christmas treat that you can’t do without?

Mabuse: Well, for me there is nothing in particular. In Germany I love to eat goose, red cabbage and dumplings. I just love it! It just tastes so good. But otherwise there is no tradition at home when it comes to food. We like to change the menu and always have other delicious things on the table.


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