Motsi Mabuse in contact with Corona case: “This pandemic is not over yet”

Motsi Mabuse in contact with Corona case
“This pandemic is not over yet”

Motsi Mabuse, here a few days ago on the “Let’s Dance” live tour.

© imago images / 3S PHOTOGRAPHY

Although Motsi Mabuse is triple vaccinated, she is not allowed to travel to the UK because of contact with a positive person.

Although Motsi Mabuse (40) has already received the booster vaccination and has tested negative for the coronavirus, she is not allowed to travel to Great Britain. The 40-year-old explains on Instagramthat she is deeply disappointed to announce that she will not be able to attend the BBC show “Strictly Come Dancing” over the weekend.

Mabuse was contacted by the National Health Service (NHS) that she was in contact with a corona case that has now tested positive on November 21, she explains in English. Since her German vaccination certificates are therefore not recognized there, she is not allowed to enter the country. The 40-year-old could only return to Great Britain after November 30th. “Our health is most important and luckily I’ve had multiple tests this week and I’m negative,” she explains. Mabuse wish everyone good luck and send their love.

“I’m negative, I’m healthy, I’m with my family”

“Dear ones, I am now triple vaccinated and do more than my civic duty”, Mabuse writes in another post. “I am sad, disappointed and angry! I am negative, I am healthy, I am with my family, that counts! This pandemic is not over yet.” At the same time, she would like the virus to be treated “as a global problem”. “In the end, life has to go on despite Corona. Standstill would be the end of our human society.”

As in Germany, Mabuse usually sits at the jury’s desk in the British version of “Let’s Dance”. According to media reports, Cynthia Erivo (34) will represent the juror on Saturday. Numerous celebrities commented on Mabuse’s contributions, including Erivo and Mabuse’s sister Oti (31), who both wrote “love you” with a heart emoji.


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