Motorist hit by hunter shot died

He was 67 years old and came to visit Brittany. On Saturday, he was hit by a 9.3 mm caliber bullet, while driving on the RN157 near Laillé and Orgères, between Nantes and Rennes. Seriously injured, the motorist from Maine-et-Loire had been transported in a preoccupying state to the CHU Pontchaillou. The man died this Thursday in the room of the hospital where he had been admitted, we learned from the Rennes prosecutor’s office.

Very quickly, suspicion fell on a 69-year-old hunter. Placed in police custody, the man had been indicted and placed under judicial supervision. This Thursday, the investigating judge reclassified the facts as “manslaughter during a hunting action by clearly deliberate violation of an obligation of safety or prudence”.

Minister in favor of opening a debate

Since this dramatic accident, reactions have multiplied. Asked about this, the Minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili said she was in favor of opening a debate to ban hunting activities on weekends. A few days before the tragedy, Yannick Jadot had expressed himself in this direction, after the serious injury suffered by a walker in Haute-Savoie.

This new accident prompted five mayors of Ille-et-Vilaine to write to Minister Barbara Pompili and to the Prefect of Brittany to alert them to the need to impose a medical check on hunters. The mayor of the town of Laillé had already been confronted with an incident. During an organized hunt, several cats had been killed by a pack of dogs, causing a heated debate.

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