Motive unclear: young woman dies after killing spree in Heidelberg

As of: 01/24/2022 7:46 p.m

A young woman died in the attack on the University of Heidelberg and three people were injured. The alleged perpetrator directed himself to the act itself. The investigators have not yet given any information about a possible motive.

Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of the Interior Thomas Strobl has confirmed that one of the four people injured in the gun attack at the University of Heidelberg died from her serious injuries. Two other students suffered minor injuries. According to the police, 30 people were in the lecture hall.

At noon, a man shot four people in a lecture hall at the medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg. After the crime, the man fled the university building and killed himself, a police spokesman confirmed.

Press conference after the attack in Heidelberg

1/24/2022 8:03 p.m

The perpetrator is said to have been an 18-year-old

According to Siegfried Kollmar, President of the responsible police headquarters in Mannheim, the alleged perpetrator was an 18-year-old from Mannheim. Immediately before the crime, he sent a WhatsApp message to a person and announced that “people” had to “be punished”. In the message he also wished for a burial at sea.

The man is said to have been German and had no previous convictions. The authenticity of the message has yet to be verified.

Two long guns were found at the scene. According to the police, the man is said to have obtained them abroad. The investigators want to check all of his whereabouts and interlocutors of the past few days.

Investigators have not yet released any information about a possible motive. It’s still too early for that, said Andreas Herrgen, head of the Heidelberg public prosecutor’s office.

Strobl promises quick clarification

Strobl promised quick clarification. The emergency services were quickly at the scene of the crime and were able to quickly clarify the initially confusing situation with the university management. “Now is the time for the investigators, because it is important for all of us to clarify the background to the terrible act as quickly as possible.” “For the injured and those involved, including those who took part in the tutorial, I hope for a speedy recovery in body and soul.”

Tim Diekmann, SWR, with information about the attack in Heidelberg

tagesschau24 4 p.m., 24.1.2022

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