Mother of two children poisoned with antidepressants sentenced

Five years after the events, gray areas still remain around this case. Tuesday, the court of Saint-Nazaire in any case sentenced a woman to eighteen months in prison suspended for the poisoning with antidepressants and analgesics of her two children.

According to the newspaper West France, this 28-year-old mother rejected the charges, blaming the hospital where she regularly took her youngest son, a few months old, who suffers from a heart defect. But one day, when the baby is at its worst, with a vital prognosis, traces of drugs are found in his analyzes. Ditto with his older brother, who however never had to be hospitalized.

The grandparents, who were under treatment for depression and possessed these substances, were acquitted by the court. According The Echo of the Peninsula, the defendant could suffer from “Münchausen syndrome by proxy”. She would have multiplied the medical visits for her son, in order to draw attention to herself. The two children are now placed with families.

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