Moscow slams Americans’ ’embarrassing public hype’ over basketball player Brittney Griner

Russian diplomacy denounced Thursday the “public hype” of the Americans concerning the basketball player Brittney Griner, tried and detained in Russia for drug trafficking. “The public hype that contemporary politicians are so fond of can only be embarrassing in this concrete case. Not only does this constitute a distraction, but it also interferes with the case,” according to Russian agencies, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

On Monday, the American basketball star had sent, through his family, a letter to President Joe Biden asking for help. “I miss my wife! I miss my family ! I miss my teammates! It destroys me to know that they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for whatever you can do right now to bring me home,” she implored.

A heavy sentence, served in a Russian penal colony?

What the Joe Biden had made known that his release was an important subject for him. “The president has read the letter”, assured Karine Jean-Pierre, the spokeswoman for the White House. “This subject is a priority for the president” and he “is doing everything he can,” she added. A demonstration of support was organized Wednesday in the basketball hall where Brittney Griner played in Phoenix.

The second hearing of his trial is due to open this Thursday in the suburbs of Moscow. The basketball player faces up to 10 years in prison after being arrested on arrival at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport in possession, according to the prosecution, of vaporizers and a cannabis-based liquid. “It is clear that all legal proceedings are not over with us. As long as it is not done, we cannot talk about the rest, ”said the Russian diplomat. In view of Russian case law in similar cases, the young woman can expect a heavy sentence, to be served in a Russian penal colony.

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