Moscow accuses kyiv of trying to kill Putin and raining bombs

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Did Ukraine try to kill Vladimir Putin by attacking the Kremlin? Russia claimed on Wednesday that it shot down two drones launched against the Kremlin compound in Moscow during the night with the aim of killing Vladimir Putin, a few days before the May 9 military celebrations. “We consider these actions as an attempted terrorist act and an attempt on the life of the president,” the Kremlin said. Right from the Kremlin statement, a series of videos purporting to show the attack suddenly appeared on multiple Russian-speaking Telegram channels supporting the attack in Ukraine.

Very quickly, the Ukrainian presidency declared having “nothing to do” with this alleged attack, even accusing Russia of a “staging”. “Such remarks staged by Russia should only be considered as an attempt” to find a pretext for “a large-scale terrorist attack in Ukraine”, said Mykhailo Podoliak, adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky. For its part, the United States said it took “very cautiously” information from the Kremlin.

sentence of the day

I believe that this year will be decisive for us, for Europe, for Ukraine, decisive for victory”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a surprise visit to Finland on Wednesday. He congratulated the country bordering Russia whose Russian aggression against Ukraine led to NATO membership in April after decades of neutrality. Ukraine, which has applied for membership in NATO, “needs the same level of security guarantees”, he said.

The number of the day

500. This is, in millions of euros, the endowment of the financial instrument developed by the European Commission to boost European ammunition production capacity. The objective is to produce one million shells over a year, in particular to supply Ukraine with ammunition. “To support Ukraine in the very short term, we must continue to donate our stocks,” insisted Industry Commissioner Thierry Breton, adding that he hoped that the plan would be adopted by the Member States by end of June.

The trend of the day

Russian strikes continue to kill civilians in Ukraine. This Wednesday, “massive” bombardments left 16 dead and 22 injured in the Kherson region (southern Ukraine), according to the prosecution, while the authorities announced a curfew in the main city of the same name in from Friday evening. “Massive attack by the occupiers against civilians in the Kherson region: the death toll has risen to 16 people,” the regional prosecutor’s office said on Telegram.

According to him, “about 22” other people were “injured to varying degrees” in these multiple strikes “on civilian infrastructure”. Authorities say two strikes on a supermarket and train station in the city of Kherson, near the front line, left at least four people dead and several injured, and another bombardment killed three people who were working on repairing a energy site in the region.

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