Morocco announces emergency aid to Tunisia

Beds, respirators, oxygen generators … Morocco has announced the sending of “emergency medical aid” to Tunisia, which is in the grip of an upsurge in the coronavirus pandemic in recent weeks, according to a press release from Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

About a hundred beds and respirators

The aid includes “two complete and autonomous resuscitation units, with a total capacity of 100 beds” but also “100 respirators and two oxygen generators with a capacity of 33 m3 / hour each”, detailed Tuesday evening the ministry in its press release.

This decision follows royal instructions after “the worsening of the epidemiological situation in Tunisia (…) brother Maghreb country”, it is specified. For two weeks, hospitals in Tunisia have known a large influx of patients in the midst of a new wave of the spread of Covid-19, which has reached unprecedented levels.

The highest death rate in the region

Tunisia has the “highest” Covid-19 death rate in the region, the representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Tuesday.

The country, which has known only fifty deaths from March to August 2020, now has more than 16,000, with records of 194, 189 or 144 new daily deaths recorded in recent days.

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