Moritz Baßler: “Popular Realism” – Culture

The Germanist Moritz Baßler rearranges the currently popular, realistic narrative, also into “successful” and “unsuccessful”.


Marie Schmidt

What immediately pleases everyone about the book by the Germanist Moritz Baßler on the “International Style of Contemporary Storytelling” is that he tries to sort the literary field at all. As everywhere in art and society, there seems to be a strong confusion in “the” literature, a characteristic lack of styles or schools that would structure the zeitgeist. The longing for orienting concepts may explain why the book is currently being passed around so excitedly in the academic world in a way that literary monographs seldom happen. The literary world is also discussing it. Curiosity and the unconditional will to deal with it were already evident in the debate from which Baßler’s study emerged. And immediately the disappointment that his theses are not as impressive in their effect on reading and understanding as in their aplomb.

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