More than just Tinder and Bumble: three dating portals that are not ordinary

More than just Tinder and Bumble
Three dating portals that are not ordinary

Matching with the right people is a nice feeling.

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Looking for the right dating app for Valentine’s Day? Maybe one of these platforms is suitable.

Tinder is such a successful app that it even has its own verb in this country, “tindern”. Only Google can claim something similar in German language. But precisely because the app is so successful and for many If you’re still dating, it’s still the first download, it’s also large and customized. There are much more specific dating platforms where certain questions about compatibility are already clarified in advance. These apps and sites want to bring people together.


Relatively new to the online dating market “Blind Mate”. The idea: Non-singles don’t create their profiles themselves, but let their friends do it for them. On its homepage, the Berlin start-up formulates its claim as follows: “Imagine being introduced to one of your friends. You don’t throw around stupid pick-up lines. And you leave your pants on too.” To do this, married friends who would like to become matchmakers do not have to create their own profile, but can simply swipe and edit the profile for their friends. This not only eliminates this work for the single person in question, but also eliminates the associated pressure to present themselves in a certain way. If a match occurs, the chat initially starts without a picture of the other person – like on a blind date.


Hand on heart: The more details you can find out about a potential dating partner, the more certain you can be about whether it is the right person. “OkCupid” therefore gives its users the opportunity to answer several hundred questions about intimacies and banalities from all situations in life. If a user has answered a question themselves, he or she can also see other people’s answers. In this way, you can get an idea of ​​whether values ​​and ideas fit together, going far beyond the user’s appearance. The good thing about the app: It doesn’t force you to answer these questions. If you would rather discuss all of this with your match over a walk or coffee, you have the option to do so on “OkCupid” as well as the otherwise often non-existent option of writing to users without there being a match.

Positive singles

While Tinder shrouds the cloak of silence around its exact user numbers, there are “Positive Singles” These currently number around 2.3 million worldwide. What do they have in common? Usually a very individual and personal illness story, because the “positive” in the title of the page refers to an infection or illness status. Often enough, the situation arises on common online dating platforms in which conversations are ended after the mention of an illness, matches are dissolved and those affected are ghosted. “Positive Singles” undermines such prejudices with its approach and is aimed at people who want to make the best of a potentially difficult situation when it comes to love.


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