More than half of Americans fear AI’s significant impact on work

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of Americans think that the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace will have It has a “significant impact” on American workers over the next 20 years and may leave many employees “worrying” about what their future will hold.

reportPew Research’s April 20 findings found that 56% of 11,004 adults surveyed in the United States said AI would have a significant impact on the US economy as well, and 22% believed AI would have a significant impact on the economy. a little

Only 13% of participants believed that “AI will help rather than hurt” American workers, while 32% thought the opposite. The rest of the participants predicted that “AI will equally help and hurt American workers” (32%) or were unsure (22%).

Many respondents were concerned that The AI-enabled workplace will lead to increased surveillance, mismanagement, and misinterpretation.

A majority of respondents (71%) said they were against the inclusion of AI in the final hiring process.

Nearly two-thirds said They’ll be most annoyed by the AI ​​tracking minute-by-minute movements. And about half cited potential frustrations from AI keeping track of how many hours they were at their desks. and record what they are working on.

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