more than 80 dogs withdrawn from a septuagenarian in Vendée

Animals in large numbers, “mostly fearful”, living “in bad conditions” and “hungry”. Here is the sad picture discovered in a man, aged 72, living in Lucs-sur-Boulogne (Vendée).

According to the animal protection association Stephane Lamart, who had filed a complaint in June for “acts of ill-treatment”, the SPA left Thursday with more than 80 dogs who lived with this septuagenarian.

An “intensive uncontrolled reproduction”

The testimonies of residents have multiplied for several years until the association, which deplored inaction of the veterinary services, decided to get involved. “It was urgent to intervene, given this intensive uncontrolled reproduction and these puppy births in an unsuitable structure,” explains the Stéphane Lamart association.

She specifies that the man also had no authorization to keep such a number of pets. Any individual who accommodates more than nine dogs must indeed make the declaration.

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