more than 600 mayors call for the re-election of Emmanuel Macron

Among the signatories, we find the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, Christian Estrosi or even Hubert Falco.

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They want a second term. More than 600 mayors launched an appeal, in a column published in the November 21 edition of Sunday newspaper, to support the re-election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the Republic. “To meet the immense challenges facing the Nation – reindustrialisation, further opening up of our municipalities, construction of housing, preservation of our landscapes and success of the ecological transition – we need continuity and stability”, plead these elected officials.

Among the 611 signatories, we find the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who has become mayor of Le Havre again, Christian Estrosi (Nice), Hubert Falco (Toulon), Christophe Béchu (Angers), Caroline Cayeux (Beauvais) or even Karl Olive (Poissy) and Olivier Klein (Clichy-sous-Bois).

“For us, local elected officials from France, Corsica and overseas, from all political sides and often having no label, the account is there.”

The signatories of the platform

in “Le Journal du dimanche”

In recent weeks, dMany local elected officials have organized themselves into support committees, at the initiative of the Minister for Overseas Territories, Sébastien Lecornu, and Thierry Solère, a close friend of Emmanuel Macron. The operation comes two days after the closure of the congress of the Association of Mayors of France, during which the Head of State defended his record with pugnacity. He received a more positive reception than in the past, despite the indictment of the leaders of the association.

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