More than 5,200 patients in intensive care

A nurse at the Tours hospital. – AFP

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care increased again this Friday, exceeding 5,200, according to daily figures from Public Health France.

There were 5,254 people in sheave according to the count of SpF (against 5,109 Thursday), including 505 new entries in twenty-four hours in these services which treat the most serious cases. On Monday, the peak of the second wave of the epidemic (a little more than 4,900 patients in mid-November) had been exceeded, still far from that of the first wave (a little more than 7,000 patients at the beginning of April 2020).

The peak of the wave expected at the end of April

Olivier Véran estimated Thursday on France Inter that the epidemic peak of contamination could be reached “within 7 to 10 days”, while the number of patients in intensive care could peak two weeks later, at the end of April. A hypothesis that he confirmed on Friday in an interview with the media Brut.

The number of people hospitalized for Covid-19 is also on the rise, to 28,729, the highest of this third wave, with 2,092 new hospitalizations in twenty-four hours. According to health authorities, more than nine million people have received at least one injection of a Covid-19 vaccine and more than three million people have received two doses.

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