More than 400 cannabis plants discovered under greenhouses

The net took place on Wednesday in the town of La Chapelle-Neuve in Morbihan. Supported by the dog team of Ploërmel, the gendarmes of the company of Pontivy got their hands on 406 feet of cannabis which grew under three greenhouses. Two kilos of dried weed buds were also seized from the grower.

The latter was at least equipped with “a self-supporting swimming pool and two 1,000-litre tanks which were used to feed his plants with a lifting pump”, indicate the gendarmes of Morbihan on their Facebook page, specifying that “all seizures will be destroyed. »

Tried on Thursday in an immediate appearance before the Lorient tribunal de grande instance, the man, aged around 30, was sentenced to twenty-four months in prison, six of which were suspended. He will also have to submit to a medical follow-up with obligation of care.

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