More than 40 dead in air strike in Syria

As of: March 29, 2024 2:08 p.m

More than 40 people were killed in an air strike in Aleppo province. Activists speak of an Israeli attack on Hezbollah positions. Israel repeatedly attacks the militia in its neighboring country.

In Syria, at least 42 people were killed in heavy air strikes in Aleppo province, according to activists. In addition to Syrian army members, at least six members of the Lebanese Hezbollah were among the fatalities, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights based in Great Britain. The activists get their information from a network of different sources in Syria. The information is often difficult to verify independently.

According to their information, the suspected Israeli strikes hit a rocket depot of the militant Hezbollah in the suburb of Jibrin near Aleppo international airport and the nearby town of Safira, where a military facility is located.

Hezbollah confirmed the deaths of three fighters. The group released the names of three members in a statement, without providing further details about how they died. However, Hezbollah circles said that they were killed in the attacks.

Israel repeatedly attacks targets in Syria

When asked, the Israeli army said it did not want to comment on the report. The country’s air force repeatedly bombs targets in neighboring Syria in an attempt to prevent Iran and its allied militias such as Hezbollah from expanding their military influence in the country. Israeli attacks have increased since the Gaza war began in early October. However, such high numbers of victims are rare.

attack in the Dawn

The attacks occurred at dawn in an area near Aleppo international airport, according to the Observatory. Some factories were also hit. Eyewitnesses from the province reported heavy smoke in the bombed areas and dozens of ambulances rushing to the area. Syrian government troops sealed off the areas.

The Syrian state news agency Sana reported, citing a military source, that civilians as well as military personnel were killed and wounded in the attacks. Neither Sana nor Syrian television gave an exact number of victims.

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