More than 1,500 teaching positions have not found takers, especially in Ile-de-France

More than 1,500 positions have not been filled this year at this stage in competitions for school teachers, mainly in the academies of Versailles and Créteil, according to figures relayed by unions, which warn of the “sustainable shortage” of teachers. teachers. According to figures accessible on the Cyclades platform of the Ministry of National Education and confirmed by the ministry’s services, 1,539 positions have not been filled (excluding Mayotte) this year in the various competitions at this stage, out of 9,885 positions offered (excluding Polynesia, but with Mayotte).

“The deficit of teachers remains alarming,” warns FSU-Snuipp, the main primary school union (nursery and elementary school), in a press release, stressing that “the number of vacant positions is similar to that of last year”, which he puts at 1,533. In detail, for the only external competition for school teachers (the main one), 6,846 positions were filled out of 7,917 offered, details FSU-Snuipp. She specifies that the figures given do not take into account those of Mayotte, nor those of additional competitions from the academies of Créteil and Versailles, which are not yet known.

“Not very surprised, but very worried again”

“This year again, the loss is concentrated on the academies of Créteil and Versailles, which have been in deficit for a very long time. We cannot stop this crisis,” reacted Guislaine David, general secretary of this union. According to figures compiled by FSU-Snuipp, 670 positions have not been filled in Créteil, 692 in Versailles and 174 in Guyana.

“All the academies except three fill all the positions offered”, argues the Ministry of Education, for which “there is a specific problem at the academies of Créteil and Versailles and a very particular situation in Guyana”. “We are not very surprised, but on the other hand, very worried again,” commented Elisabeth Allain-Moreno, general secretary of the SE Unsa union.

Shock of attractiveness?

“The famous shock of attractiveness that we were promised a few years ago still does not exist,” added Jérôme Sinot, national secretary of the CGT Educ’action in charge of primary education. “We are especially worried about what will happen both for the students at the start of the school year, because there will be a shortage of people in the classes, and for the teaching teams because there will also be a shortage of people in the schools” .

Two years ago, the recruitment of teachers (first and second degrees combined) experienced an unprecedented crisis, with more than 4,000 unfilled positions in total, causing turmoil in the world of education. Last year, more than 3,100 positions were not filled, including 1,315 in primary education, according to figures published at the beginning of July by the Ministry of Education.

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