More sex, less weight – that’s why it’s worth going for a run

Sex, sleep, shape – Eleven reasons to go for a run

Basically, everyone knows how healthy exercise such as running is for us. But still, it’s good to be reminded of it every now and then.

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Spring is the best time to finally get more exercise and maybe get rid of a few corona pounds. Do you need even more motivation? Then you should definitely read on. Running is healthy for us.

1. It slows down aging

Yes, endurance exercise, such as running, is a known tool that actually slows down aging. If it were a drug, it would probably be worth billions. side effects? none. Running lowers biological age. A study with 2,400 twins showed that those who walk briskly for 30 minutes three times a week delay it by up to nine years. We also know that runners need care much later in old age, so they can live independently for longer.

2. It’s good for the cardiovascular system

For example, just 30 minutes of moderate exercise in the morning lowers blood pressure for 24 hours—even if you’re inactive for the rest of the day. The difference in systolic blood pressure, i.e. the value that measures the elasticity of the vessel walls in the large arteries, was quite comparable to the effect of a drug used to treat high blood pressure.

3. Cholesterol levels improve

Above all, the so-called “good” HDL cholesterol increases with running – this reduces the risk of vascular calcification by around 30 percent with regular activity.

4. The microbiome is changing

In runners, for example, certain bacteria are found that better utilize the lactic acid that is formed in the body during regular exercise and exertion. But overall physical activity also seems to have a positive effect on the diversity of microbes in and on us. And that, in turn, seems to have a positive effect on weight. It is now known that there is great diversity in the microbiome, especially in people of normal weight. The microbiome of overweight people, on the other hand, is usually thinner.

5. Running strengthens the brain and boosts mood

Regular physical training is also a blessing for our cognitive performance. A study from Hamburg showed that participants in an intensive sports program with endurance and muscle training benefit in terms of their mental performance in a manner comparable to that of a computer course. Although the influence of physical activity on the brain has only recently been intensively researched, the results are already spectacular.

Exercise even helps to adapt and change the structure of the brain. Because the muscles release special metabolic products when they exert themselves, which fertilize nerve growth and the sheathing of the nerve fibers. The brain can make new connections between nerve cells. It is supplied with more oxygen and nutrients during sport, new synapses, vessels and nerves are formed. The hippocampus, the area where memory is formed, can grow. The ability to think and concentrate increases.

The messenger substances emitted during movement act like balm for the mood. Those who exercise regularly are in a better mood and suffer less from depression. American researchers found the neuropeptide and protein VGF in the body of athletic people, which makes the brain more resistant to stress. At the same time, the level of the stress hormone cortisol decreases. That makes you more balanced. But that’s not all: The amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of the feel-good hormone serotonin, is better transported to the brain. In the end, it helps to process emotions better and provides more balance. The perfect good mood mix.

6. Runners suffer less from hormone fluctuations

This applies equally to women and men. But especially women going through the menopause benefit from this stabilizing effect.

7. The immune system is strengthened

An important point – not just since the corona pandemic. If you run regularly in the fresh air, benefits particularly. But be careful: don’t overdo it. Anyone who frequently exceeds their stress limit and does not allow themselves any breaks to recover weakens their immune system. The phrase “a lot helps a lot” does not apply here. If runners often suffer from infections, they should check and adjust their training times.

8. Running is good for sleep

Runners sleep better – and are therefore less stressed, which has an overall positive effect on their health. That was in a big meta study Proven in 2018 – only those who do hard interval training about an hour before going to bed disturb their sleep.

9. It’s good for the joints and back

Contrary to the widespread belief that running damages the joints, we now know that it does strengthens. Mainly because the cartilage in the knee, for example, has to be regularly kneaded like a sponge. This happens when you run, so it gets nourishment, stays soft, and doesn’t crack.

It is also now well documented that runners are less likely to back pain suffer at the bottom. Running seems to increase bone density and this has a positive effect on the lower back.

10. The risk of developing cancer decreases

According to study from 2016, trained recreational athletes have a lower risk of developing 26 different forms of cancer. And if you do get cancer, you’re more likely to get it illness survived.

11. And finally, more sex, better sex, and more orgasms

Yes, this has also been proven in various studies.

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